Over the last decade, humanity has begun to increasingly move to the problems of energy dependence globalized world. What if? … This question is being asked more and more often. What will happen if there is no more oil? Will there be no more natural gas? The reserves of natural energy resources are exhaustible! According to some, there is one or two decades left before the full depletion of stocks, others say that centuries. We might think that it only affects our grandchildren, but it is not! Energy prices are rising rapidly and do not even need to be mentioned in the distant minutes in order to join the painful memories of natural gas shortages. We will face the problems associated with energy shortages when we are actually faced with their shortage, lack or inability to pay for them. Man is looking for ways to solve these problems. To produce energy, it can direct the forces of nature, wind, sun, geothermal energy, wave energy and the use of biomass that is in the environment.
Hydro, solar and wind power plants are improving, which require significant investment, while biomass reflects us everywhere. By-products used as a result of agricultural activities and biomass from forest waste are mainly suitable for use in the production of heat or electricity. But these resources are exhaustive! In some European countries, energy raw materials are already being grown, creating energy crops. The initial growth of energy crops is extremely fast, they are harvested within 1-3 years, after harvest, they re-enter the vegetation very quickly – thus, it is undoubtedly a renewable energy source. Yield (biomass increase) ranges from 10 to 30 t / ha / year of dry mass. The common denominator is that the balance of carbon dioxide is zero, if during the coagulation in the atmosphere is released only carbon dioxide, how much was absorbed during photosynthesis during growth. Let’s think about what is actually an energy plant used for biomass production? It is an ideal solar cell that creates itself and is an unprotected battery that adds CO2 and releases oxygen.
Scientists in active search for ideal energy plants as among < / span> grass and tree crops of fast rotation. The calorific value of grass energy crops is lower compared to wood. In addition, such a culture search creates many alkaline components (especially potassium), they are not the only ones suitable for combustion in thermal power plants. In addition, such plants have high ash content. When they are burned, a small amount of raw acid is created, which can damage dangerous equipment.
So, wood energy plants have > significant advantage . They are characterized by high calorific value and low efficiency . They can be easily used both thermal power plants and domestic boilers . In addition, they serve as raw materials for the manufacture of pellets and briquettes.
Europe’s leading wood energy plants are energy willows, including several varieties of Swedish selection. In Sweden, technological experiments and the study of planetary versions for energy use have been going on for several decades. Hungary adopted the technology and successful experience of using Swedish varieties of energy willow about seven years ago. As a result, from the preparation for the base, the connection and the inspection to the harvest selection , a well-developed integrated technology is available These varieties and cultivation technology are already available in Ukraine.
Cultivation of energy willow varieties is typical for Europe and is actively developing in countries such as Sweden, Poland, Denmark, England, Austria, Hungary. For these countries, this culture is no longer seen as a novelty. Here the phenomenon of creation and cultivation of energy plantations is a common phenomenon. In Romania, the process of active creation of energy plantations in areas limited to power plants has begun. In Serbia, the program is just beginning to gain momentum, meanwhile, in Ukraine only something else resolved the issue of registration and exclusive property rights for the distribution of Swedish energy willow varieties .
Our partner LLC “Holland Alma” in Hungary is engaged in production planting material of energy willow varieties and developer of technologies adapted for the countries of Eastern Europe. The rights for reproduction and distribution of these varieties on the territory of Ukraine are managed by the State Enterprise “Holland Plant Ukraine”. A demonstration plantation has already been established in Ukraine, which we can invite to the individual, sharing it with all those interested.
For the cultivation of energy willow, all agricultural lands are suitable, which are not important, not too salty and not too calcareous. Willows support periodic water cover, but are not a water crop. Thus, willow is found in meadows and areas with periodic floods, where the cultivation of conventional crops is for some reason risky. But growing willow on chernozem soils of better quality and on humus sandy soils is difficult to implement, because on soil of better quality willow gives a lot greater growth, and therefore the profitability of growing willows on these types of soils can compete with crops .
The cost of one hectare of energy willow plantations is about 1,600 euros. These costs include preparation, planting material, submission, as well as inspection costs for the first year and harvest costs. The first harvest (within 2-3 years) brings us approximately 2500 – 2600 Euros depending on the nature, so before the first cycle of cutting the profit can be 400 Euro / ha / year. The profitability of the next (2-3 annual) production cycles is higher, as the planted plantations from which the harvest was harvested are waiting to grow again and give a significant priority to energy raw materials, and at this time during harvest, profitability ranges from 600 to 1000 euros / ha / year. However, as with any other plant, income may vary depending on weather, soil, quality and level of management and selling price. Harvesting is carried out with the help of combines – shredders, which mount a special adapter. From the combine the energy version “comes out” in the form of 5-30 mm of cod. Growth from one plantation can be collected 8-10 times, so we can listen for at least 16-30 years of plantation life cycle.
Якщо у вас є поряд із значними земельними ділянками ще й сушарки, кілька тисяч квадратних метрів теплиць або оранжереї, що означає територію, яку потрібно опалювати, Чи, можливо, у вас немає газу і ви хочете поставити рентабельну автоматичну систему небезпеки, вам не потрібно жодну хвилину ваги про створення версій планування, так як ви можете забезпечити себе сировиною для небезпеки заміщення дороги газової системи небезпеки. Перехід до опалення тривалої форми створює економіку 75-80% при порівнянні з газом. Поряд з прикладом опалення теплиць, екологічно чиста енергія з біомасів є відмінним рішенням для опалення муніципальних установ, спорткомплекси, готелі, мотелі, ресторани, лікарені, приватні будинки також Автоматичні котли з безперервним циклом роботи, які опалюються трискою, вже можна придбати недорого, а на додаток, характерними для них є бездоганний досвід успішного використання, так як у кожній країні вже є виробники твердопаливних котлів на біомасі.
Крім вищезгаданих переваг, вирощування енергетичної вербі є екологічно чистим видом діяльності, так як не сприяє зростанню викидів парникових газів. Зменшуйте витрати на небезпеку та залежність від енергоносіїв, підвищуйте комфорт та безпеку, думайте про майбутнє!
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